Magsoft Corporation

Geometries and Meshes

Specific preprocessing programs are used to define the geometry and mesh of a problem. By using these programs, you can define varied and complex 2D and 3D geometries, as shown in Figures 1 to 5.

extruded shapes hollow cylinders Cylinder Combinations Spheres hollow cylinders

Because ATILA's geometric preprocessors are parametrized, you can use parameters to define geometrical entities. Consequently, you can modify all or part of the geometry just by changing a parameter's value, without having to reenter the entire geometry.

ATILA's automatic and assisted mesh generators help you create meshes that are well-adapted to your analysis.

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Magsoft Corporation
1223 Peoples Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: (518) 271-1352
Fax: (518) 276-6380